Practical training is lacking in the pumps industry.

It is rare that you will find a profession where new employees are ready to hit the ground running with no extra training needed when they come in the door. It is also rare that you find an employee who does not need any additional training throughout the length of his or her career. Thus, it is no surprise that ongoing education, in pump basics and new technologies, is highly desired by seasoned experts and newcomers alike. At Pumps & Systems, we gained some insight into the kind of training pump industry professionals want, how they like to receive that training, and how often they partake in training. We also learned what kind of help they receive from their companies for the training they participate in. Building a strong workforce goes deeper than a paycheck and benefits. According to an article from Inc. magazine, one way to increase employee retention is by offering training. The article states: “Whether you send employees to a learning center or you provide membership to one of the many e-learning sites available, when you take your employees’ education seriously, they see it as an investment in their career.” With technologies evolving every day in the pump industry, keeping up-to-date with the latest trends is imperative for any company to remain competitive. And ensuring the next generation of pump users, as well as long-time experts, are well trained is time well spent.

A Look at Training Across the Industry

Pumps & Systems readers tell us more about the kinds of training they receive.
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what types of training