P&S Podcast hero
Rowe fights dirty to close the skills gap and shares what gives him hope
Pumps & Systems

Pumps & Systems Podcasts
Mike Rowe recently spoke at the ABB Customer World event in Houston, Texas, and spoke with Pumps & Systems for a written article, which appeared in the July 2019 issue. You can read the July cover series article by clicking here You can read the Rowe Q and A by clicking here. Visit the Mike Rowe Works organization by clicking here This is the audio interview. Some questions include: What got you interested in helping solve the skills gap? What mindset should young workers have to gain critical skills to become and remain successful? What are the biggest obstacles you see these days with young workers as they enter the field? What gives you hope?

Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud, Apple (iTunes) or Stitcher.

All episodes of the Pumps & Systems podcast will be on pumpsandsystems.com/podcasts